We are glad to inform you that the latest version 2.5.0 of Flowfactory Platform is out. Below is the list of Jira issues that were part of this upgrade.
Key | Summary | Epic |
Studio - List of Worfklow Configuration errors in studio |
FF-5805 - Dev :: Compile Check & Refactoring |
Support Issues - Viewing status on reported FF platform Issues (Bugs and Incidents) in Studio |
FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success |
Cancel workflow error |
FF-5847 - SM :: Incident Management |
Cannot add group index in grid (Related to problems reported in skanska) |
FF-5847 - SM :: Incident Management |
Knappar som var aktiva i Flow 1.8 är inaktiva i Flow 2.3 (flowupgrade) |
FF-5847 - SM :: Incident Management |
Logout activity not working |
FF-5847 - SM :: Incident Management |
Studio - View Ärende does not show all tabs |
FF-5847 - SM :: Incident Management |
As a developer I want the application build to be validated and see a list of configuration errors when making changes in the studio to avoid deploying applications that will crash when using it.
Validation errors should be clearly seen in the workflow interface.
Workflow branches, activities and bindings are validated when a change is made to the workflow.
Validation errors are displayed in the top corner of the workflow window and marked clearly red.
As a developer I want to be able to see the status on my (via Zendesk/Jira) reported FF Platform bugs, incidents and questions in order to understand when they potentially will become part of a new product release.
New issue tracker introduced to Flowfactory Studio. From this tracker you can access your ongoing reported issues and you can also see the status
An issue with dialogs was fixed. The issue occurred if you opened up an entity in a dialog, clicked cancel, then reopened the same entity and made a change before clicking ok. Then the changes was not saved when you clicked ok.
Now changes are always properly saved once clicking Ok in dialog.
Adding group index to a grid column in a grid in Studio can make the grid crash and lose it’s settings.
Fixed the bug that crashes the grid in Studio.
There was an issue with command bar buttons in grid if the connected workflow was configured to use the view active entity as root entity parameter.
If this was the case the active and root entity was switched whilst evaluating enabled criteria for the command bar button, the active entity was evaluated as being root entity.
An error would occur when using Log Out User activity. This has now been fixed so that log out works as expected.
Studio evaluated the visible criterias in design time and that could cause the tabs to be hidden if they had visible criterias.
We have disbled the evaluation of visible criterias in design time.
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