We are glad to inform you that the latest version 2.2.4 of Flowfactory Platform is out. Below is the list of Jira issues that were part of this upgrade.
Key | Summary | Epic |
Feature request Consume API | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Report designer: Hide calculated and virtual fields | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Adding new image opens the "Search Entity" | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Can't see and edit a workflow in DIOS | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Cannot save using CTRL+S in the App Navigation view | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Command bars are not live updated | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Editing lists in studio: Change/delete connected sort order when changing columns | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Page groups jumps to first page when editing a command | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Query runner feedback | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Report designer: alignment of name field | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Search reports - Opening existing report doesn't activate tab, opens in new window | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Strange selection when adding activity to workflow. | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Unnecessary arrow marker for rows in studio | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Upload multiple DLLs in Studio at the same time | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Wrong icons when adding parameters from start activity in workflow | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Suggestion: close old test session tabs automatically | FF-4529 - Dev :: Customer Success | |
Studio - Improve the visibility of the filter row | FF-4992 - Dev :: Developer Experience | |
GO - Invitation from email should lock username field | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Add multiline input for static values in parameter binding | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Block workflow running from buttons in designer view | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Crash when saving view | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - CSS editor scrolls up when saving the CSS | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Find multiple entities in db activity does not handle Entity prefix in criteria designer | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Ribbon page in views a bit to narrow | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio - Wildcard search does not work | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Studio/WebClient - Live update Custom CSS | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Web Class - Add css class to File upload dialog | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Web Client - Add object formatting for inline gridview Dropdown | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
WebClient - Handle transparency in images | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
WebClient/Studio - Button with missing Click event hangs WebClient | FF-4537 - Dev :: Product Success | |
Azure - Automation of restarting deployement | FF-4454 - Infra :: Azure Migration | |
Deploy projects to Azure | FF-4454 - Infra :: Azure Migration | |
Set up production environment | FF-4454 - Infra :: Azure Migration | |
Cannot create entity events in studio | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
No parameter Entity bound to Delete Activity | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Server gets out of sync when adding property to entity that has system definition list | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - API Parser Exception | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - App workflow is run from Studio | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Cannot remove list values | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Changing EntityType on Entity property does not update DB relation | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Error importing Excel | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Error when opening dialog | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Limit field length for string | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - List criteria can't handle properties from entity. | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Update SignalR nuget packages | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Custom assembly load exception | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Error when setting property: Company | System.IO.InvalidDataException: Error when setting property: | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Error when viewing search report | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Exception when opening dialog without data | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Grid control: Inline editing for lists | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Web Client - Log service not initialized | FF-4960 - SM :: Incident Management | |
Studio - Error when saving workflow | FF-4826 - SM :: Problem Management | |
Fix subdomain and email notifications | ||
Merge changes from release to staging, dev, studiodev | ||
Release 2.2.0 | ||
Studio - Workflow tracking broken for some workflows |
As a developer I need sometimes to make API calls with method PUT and DELETE.
Consume API now supports methods PUT and DELETE and can be used in Call REST API Activity in workflows.
It is possible to add virual and calculated properties to a report but they can’t be shown in the web client.
Removed the possibility to add virual and calculated properties to a report.
When adding a new image in Studio the Entity search is opened.
Fixed a configuration issue that caused the problem.
It is possible to drag an activity outside of the workflow designer area in Studio.
If there is an activity outside of the workflow designer area when opening the workflow the workflow designer area is adjusted so that the activity is shown.
In the Studio while in the App Navigation the CTRL+S command does not work, even though the normal save button works well.
The CTRL+S is now working in the App Navigation designer.
When changing a command bar in a gridview and saving they are not live updated in the Web client.
The command bar connected to a grid view is now Live updated.
When deleting a list column for a list definion and there is sort order defined for the column the sort order is still there after deleting the column.
The sort order for a list column is now deleted when deleting the sort order.
When editing a command in App Navigation and pressing “OK” the view jumps to the first navigation tab.
The App Navigation editor does now stay on the same tab after editing a command.
The Studio Query runner fails silently if there is something wrong with the query.
A message is shown to the user that the query is invalid.
The name field in the reportdesigner i not correctly aligned.
Aligned the name field.
When opening an already opened report in Studio a new window is shown.
The already opened report window is now reused when opening the report.
When dropping a workflowstep in the workflow the new step is not selected right away.
The added workflow step is selected when add the new step.
Several menus in the studio have an arrow marker on the left side even though they are not expandable and do not contain any sub-items. Users may find it confusing that they are in fact not able to expand it.
The row indicator in Studio is changed to a green circle.
The developer have to upload Custome assembly files and Custom UI control files one by one in Studio
Added support for uploading several files at once in Studio.
The icon for Ordered Selection property for the Start Activity in workflows does not have the correct icon.
Fixed so that the Ordered Selection property for the Start Activity in workflows has the collection icon.
Developers often find themselves having a lot of open tabs in the studio due to several test sessions started over a short period of time, making the studio more difficult to navigate unless you close them manually.
Studio now closes the previous test session tab and always reopens the tab as the first tab on the left side.
The filter row in Studio does look like a normal row.
The filter row does now have a separator and shows the text “Search…” in each column.
When invited to join an application the user can change their E-mail address on Signup. This means they need to be re added to their applications after signup.
Users cannot change Email when invited, instead the user can request a new invitation.
Single line input is quite limiting, add multiline to enable more scenarios.
As a configuration I want more space to add parameter data.
Increased the height of the input to support 5 lines without scrolling.
The configurator can run application workflows from Studio.
Blocked the possibility to run application workflows when clicking buttons i Studio.
Studio failed to save grid views with global paths.
Studio now handles grids with global paths.
When saving a CSS in Studio the view scrolls to the top.
The CSS view does now stay at the same position when saving the CSS.
The user has to add the Entity prefix when adding a property from the parameter entity in a criteira in the Find Multiple Entities activity.
The prefix is now added automatically for the parameter.
The group names for the ribbon in the view designer is cut at the bottom.
The height of the ribbon in the view designer is now increased.
You can’t use the * as a wildcard in the Workflow,Entity or View searches.
Added support for the * as a wildcard in the Workflow,Entity or View searches.
Updates to the CSS in Studio requires a new test session for the changes to appear in the web client.
To let the configurator get direct feedback of the CSS changes from Studio we have added Live update of the CSS in the web client.
To be able to style the File Upload Dialog we have to add a specific css class to it.
The class file-upload-dialog is added to the file upload dialog.
DropDown missing formatted value in grid
DropDown value in grid is formatted now
As a user I want to be able to upload and show images that have a transparent channel in the image, this channel should be displayed as transparent, today it shows as black color.
Transparent channel of images are supported in Grids and Image views.
When adding a button to a view without connecting a workflow to Click event the application will show infinite spinner
Button is enabled but no event occurs when clicking a button that is missing a connected workflow
Previously we had manual deployment of images
Automated at release procedure image deployment
Release definitions were outdated for azure environment
Updated release definitions for azure environment
Release definitions were missing for production azure environment
Create release definitions for azure production environment
Events can not be created in Studio when using the event functionality from the main ribbon.
Fixed bug that did not save events created from the main ribbon.
Missing a detailed error message when Delete Entity Activity is missing a parameter
Added detailed error message
List definition get out of sync on the server when adding new properties to the list.
The server now updates the model so that the list is in sync.
An exception is thrown when an invalid OpenXML file is uploaded
Handle exception and presents a more detailed error message
The configurator could run app workflows from Studio when configuring the application.
Studio now blocks running app workflows when configuring an application.
List values can not be deleted in the Studio list values editor.
The list values are possible to delete in the list values editor.
Create a Persisted entity with an entity property. Change the Entity type and save the entity.
This will break the relation and the model does not save data to this connected entity.
Change entity type is handled in a controlled way and is now accessed using a Ribbon button “Change Entity Type”. This will let the user select the new entity type and the new relation is created correctly.
The Excel springboard crashes if the Excel file contains a column without a header.
The Excel springboard function ignores columns without a header.
Sometimes we get an exception stating that SplashForm is not created and you have to retry the function
Check is added so that SplashForm is only closed if it is still active
It is possible to specify a length for a string that is not supported by database server.
A limit was added to length specifier for string property so only valid values can be entered. A checkbox for specifying that the string has unlimited length was added too.
The lists can’t be filtered on data from the parent entity for the property that the list is used for.
The user can now create a filter that is based on the parent entity of the property that uses the list.
SignalR requires update to latest version
SignalR updated to version 2.4.3
When uploading an invalid Custom Assembly you get a very generic error. Error should include more information on why the assembly is invalid.
Added more detailed error message with information on missing dependencies
When there is an error caused by a model problem on the server the configuration does not get an informative error message.
Added informative configuration error message to the user.
Add informative error message when there is a problem in the report.
There is an informative error message shown to the configurator when there is problem in the report.
Add a Open Dialog Activity and attach a view that doesn’t have a RootEntity connected to the view. This generates an exception in runtime when accessing the view.
Allow views without Root Entity to be attached to a view and a more detailed error message if View has a Root Entity but it is not bound
When using an inline editing Dropdown. On first opening of the list it shows all columns in the entity.
On second opening it shows the correct list column as defined in the list.
Shows correct list on first opening
Missing response properties are logged to debugger in TestSession but in Test Applications logging is also attempted resultning in error on uninitialized service.
Debug logger is only active in TestSessions
If a workflow is open in editing mode and then deleted from the Workflow list an error occurs.
Caused by event sent to an deleted workflow. Fixed by stopping events from executing on objects that have been deleted.
Configuration was wrong for azure environment
Updated configuration for azure environment
Some of the workflows are not tracked in MixPanel
The problem was that the CurrentUser reference was taken from a disposed workflow context.
The CurrentUser reference is now taken from the UserService.
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