This article describes how to use the “Evaluate Query Activity“. We are going to show you how to get a true or false value that can be used as a condition in a workflow.
Property | Entity | Required | |
Entity | Yes | ||
Property | Entity | Expected Result |
Boolean | True/False | |
Accessing Parameters
CurrentUser = "@#@USER@#@"; ApplicationSettings = "@#@APPLICATIONSETTINGS@#@"; NormalParameter = "#@#@#"; RelativeDate = "@#DATE#@"; Relative = "#@@@#";
Go to the Flow tab and press create new workflow.
Drag-and-drop the “Evaluate Query Activity“ to your start activity.
Double-click the in-going branch and bind a parameter. This should be an entity that we later on can browse its parameters.
Select the parameters that you would like to query, it can be a single parameter. Or you can make a combination of different parameters.
Add an activity of your choice to follow upon the result of your query. In our case I would like to download a file from the entity. If the condition is “True” otherwise I want to cancel the workflow.
Drop both activities on top of the “Evaluate Query Activity” to get two branches going to different activities. In our case I will use “Evaluate Expression” (is explained in another article) followed by a “Download File Activity”. If “False” we want to cancel the workflow with a message to the user.
Double-click the in-going branch to the activity that you would like to occur when the condition is true.
Add a criteria that is “QueryResult” Equals “True”
Make sure to also bind a value to the next activity if necessary.
As the “Evaluate Query Activity” result only can be “True” or “False”. We only need to set a criteria for one branch. The other branch will be activated automatically if the result is equal to “False”
For the download activity we assign the in-going parameters accordingly:
Expression result (from Evaluate Expression) → FileName
DocumentData (from RootEntity) → FileData
And for the branch that represents the “False” condition we added:
Show Message Box, it can be configured with an in-going parameter (Entity)
The “Cancel Workflow” does not have to be configured.
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