This article describes how to use the Import from excel acitivity. A prerequisite for this is that you have created a Import definition before starting: Import definitions
Create a new workflow and name it Customer: Import from excel and add the Upload File Activity to the start activity.
Double-click the Upload File Activity to edit. Fill in the following information in the Upload File Activity
Add cancel workflow activity to the file upload and set the criteria in the branch to the cancel workflow activity to DialogResult=False.
Search for the Import From Excel Using Import Definition Activity and add to the file upload activity. Double-Click the activity and select import definition. To Create import definition go here: Import definitions
Add the activity Foreach Entity in enumerable activity and select Imported rows as in parameter to the enumerable.
Add a create entity activity to the Foreach activity and double-click it to select which entity to create. Add which values you want to populate the entity with from the foreach activity.
Double-click the branch leading in to the Create entity activity. And add the criteria current entity is not null. And then add a commit context activity to the foreach entity activity.
Save and create a command. Add the command to the customer view. Add ribbon pages to view
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