There are basically two ways of rearranging controls in a a view. Either via the view design are or the tree view control.
Customizing view in View design area
The basic adding of controls is done view dragging and dropping controls from the left hand side. If you add controls from properties the type of control will be predefined by the type of property defined in the entity. I.e string properties below 150 char will be added as a text box control, over 150 char will be added as multiline text box control. Decimals and integers will be added as numeric and so forth.
Note: You can double-click properties or entities to open parent entity and add new properties to your datamodel
If you want to add a specific view control you go to controls or custom (project specific view controls). Adding properties is done view dragging and dropping. Note that if you add controls from the control section you have to bind them manually to a property by double-clicking the control.
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