Shows a message box for the user. The workflow execution stops while waiting for the user to press one of the buttons.
Target parameters (in) and Activity options
Entity | An entity you can use properties from in the title and message text. |
Message | The message text string. If you have set an entity in the parameter you can include property values within “{}”, e.g. “Hi {Name}!”. Dates can be formatted like this “{ValidFrom:yyyy-MM-dd}”. Html tags can be use, e.g. “<br>” for new line, or “<b>{FileName}</b>“ for bold text. |
Title | The string for the title row. |
Buttons | Select one of the different button combinations, e.g. OK, OK/Cancel and Yes/No. |
Source parameters (out)
DialogResult | Contains the value from the button that the user selected, e.g. OK or Cancel. |
Drop targets
Different options depending on which buttons you have configured for the message box.
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