FF-10287 Reverting a checkbox value does not work correctly
When the "Use Mall Discount" checkbox is unchecked, and the "No" option is selected in the confirmation dialog, the checkbox state was correctly saved in the database but did not update in the UI. Users had to close and reopen the agreement to see the correct checkbox state.
This issue is now resolved. The checkbox state updates immediately in the UI after committing changes.
FF-8709 Textfield in the loginpage
Introducing a new feature that allows users to add custom text and information to the login page of Test- and Customer applications. A customer's request has been implemented, enabling users to have a textbox on the login page to inform users about the application. There are now two new text-fields in the settings view of a Test/Customer Application in Go2Flow.
FF-9453 Control for a image gallery
Introducing a new control in the view designer in FlowFactory Studio for showing a gallery of images. It is now possible to configure a control for the requested functionality.
FF-10182 SSO per application
Single Sign-On (SSO) with external identity providers (IdPs) that support the OIDC authentication protocol can now be enabled for test and customer applications.
When enabled, end users can log in to Flowfactory applications using accounts such as Microsoft Entra ID, Google Accounts, and other OIDC-compliant providers.
FF-10277 Configurable email sending from web client
Applications can now use different email-sending providers and customize the sender address.
This can be configured for testing or customer-specific applications.
Supported built-in providers include:
- SMTP Server
- Graph API
- Custom Email Sending
FF-10283 Running a workflow through a link
Developers can now create links within the application to perform specific actions. These links can be used to open a specific view or execute workflows for tasks such as approving requests or accepting orders.
This functionality streamlines user interaction by enabling direct navigation and action execution through customizable application links.
FF-10291 Studio - Copy document definition in studio.
We have added the function to copy document definitions.
FF-10310 New Go Branding - Dark Theme
The user can now choose to use a light or dark theme in Go
FF-9732 [WebClient] Multiselect control failed to load selected values
When using the "Create Student with Property Based List" feature, the selected values in the multiselect dropdown were not displayed in the grid column for the newly created student.
This issue is now fixed, and selected courses are correctly shown in the grid column for the newly created student.
FF-9912 Criterias on command bar buttons not working properly
Command bar buttons was not always updating its enabled state when a enabled criteria was set on the command.
FF-10190 Click event on label control not working
Support is added for click events on labels.
FF-10268 Read only fields are too dark
The background color of read only fields are lightened
FF-10272 GO - Exception when showing My apps tab on My Page
If two grids bound to the same data included a column displaying a calculated property retrieved via a Workflow, an error message would sometimes occur.
The issue causing this error has been resolved.
FF-10279 Signup Link in email från Invite user activity in Swedish?
Added setting for the sign up activity to let the developer set then text on the signup link in the invitation email.
FF-10305 Web Client - Rich text is wider than the browser
In the Old Style Theme, the rich text editor became too wide, causing content to be pushed out of view when the browser window was narrow.
This issue has been fixed, and the editor now adjusts correctly to the window size.
FF-10306 Radio buttons not updating correctly
Radio button values were not displayed correctly when viewed in read-only mode or from other views.
This issue is now fixed, and radio button values are displayed consistently in both read-only mode and across different views.
FF-10323 Enable criteria not working
When creating a new Jävsdeklaration and selecting "Övrigt uppdrag" as the reason, the "Gruppering" field was not editable. The field became editable only after saving, closing, and reopening the form.
This issue is now resolved, and the "Gruppering" field is immediately editable during Jävsdeklaration creation.
FF-10329 Prefetch path query failing with Like operand
The Find Multiple Entities in DB activity failed to prefetch related data when the criteria text included functions such as Contains or StartsWith.
This issue has been resolved.
FF-10331 Generate model assembly fails in Studio when project has - (dash) in name
Model assembly generation would fail if the project name contained a dash ("-").
This issue has been resolved.
FF-10371 Web Client - Grid command button active state overlaps over different grids
When adding a company in the Todo grid and pressing "Close Dialog," the dialog did not close as expected, and no data was added to the company grid.
This issue is now fixed, and the dialog closes correctly without adding any unintended data.
FF-10395 Grid data returned in push update response
In the Web Client, views containing grids caused excessive data to be sent to the browser due to inefficient communication between the browser and web server.
This issue has been resolved, reducing the amount of data sent.
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